Jl. Raya Basangkasa 30A Seminyak, Kuta, Bali
Jl. Raya Basangkasa 30A Seminyak, Kuta, Bali

Martha Tilaar is the Founder and President of Indonesia's foremost cosmetic company group and world renowned expert on traditional "jamu" and herbal mix. Her name and her products are well known and respected throughout Indonesia as she is often refferred to as the "Mother of Indonesia's natural cosmetic". Martha Tilaar obtained her college education from the University of Indonesia and pursued higher studies at the Academy of Beauty Culture, USA.
She has been in the cosmetic industry for thirty years during which time she has received several International awards such as Doctoral Honoris Causa Degree in Fashion Artistry from World University, USA and Leading Lady Enterpreneur in Monaco. Martha Tilaar's cosmetic business is now a multi million dollar operation with salons and spas developing throughout Indonesia as well as abroad.
Created from the traditional recipes is a product range called 'Dewi Sri Spa', based on the extract of rice, are special for body treatments. 'Sari Ayu' for body, hair, face treatment, cosmetics and 'Jamu', and lately 'Biokos' series are special for face treatments.
Packages Service
Body Treatment
Lulur Malih Warni (120 minutes)
Softens skin and the same time remove unpleasant body odours while generally refreshing the whole body.
Process: hydrophil, body massage, steam, lulur, herbal bath, body lotion, refreshing, hot ginger drink.
Herbal Bath (105 minutes)
Washes away fatigue leaving your body smelling pine fresh. Stimulates blood circulation.
Process: hydrophil, body massage, steam, herbal bath, body lotion, hot ginger drink.
Whitening Milk Bath (150 minutes)
Cleans and whitens the body, removes blemishes and makes the skin more supple. Process: hydrophil, scrub, shower, steam, body massage, mask, milk bath, hot ginger drink.
Ken Dedes (150 minutes)
Softens and lightens skin, reduces vaginal discharge and leaves everything freshly scented. Process: hydrophil, Lulur Ken Dedes/mask, shower, body massage, herbal bath, body lotion, vaginal and body smoke, refreshing hot ginger drink.
Fruit Bath (150 minutes)
Apple : cleanses, softens, and firms normal, oily and combination skin types. Avocado : cleanses, softens and moisturizes dry and dehydrated skin. Suits normal to dry skin. Carrot : cleanses, softens, eliminates blemishes and promotes skin growth. Recommended for normal, dehydrated and aging skin. Process: hydrophil, scrub, shower, steam, body massage, mask, foam bath, refreshing beverage.
Flower Bath (150 minutes)
Washes away fatigue leaving your body smelling fresh. Stimulates blood circulation. Process: hydrophil, scrub, shower, steam, body massage, mask, flower bath, body lotion, hot ginger drink.
Spa Packages
Dewi Sri Spa Package (7 hours)
Meditation & Exercise (15 minutes)
Snack Time (15 minutes)
Dewi Sri Spa - Treatment (150 minutes)
Featuring Martha Tilaar's renowned Dewi Sri Spa Aromatic Essence. Choose from a wide selection.
* Body Countour
A natural treatment containing essential oil of lemon, known to assist in combating cellulite and poor circulation. Consisting of Patchouli and Cananga oils, this treatment is particularly beneficial for marture skin, lightening and regenerating cells.
* Whitening
A gentle and natural blend of lemon and camphor oils leave skin clear and bright, and help to remove impurifies as well as damaged cells. Tones and lightens a dull complexion.
* Anti Stress
Relaxes body and soul with a hint of jasmine to calm the nerves and warm the emotions. Nutmeg and Neroll instill a sense of peace.
* Sensual
Nature's own aphrodisiac, with the sensual scent of Rose and Sandalwood oils, used for centuries to relieve nervous tension soothe emotions, and lift the spirit. An ancient recipe for love believed to be amorously stimulating.
Process: hydropill, scrub, shower, steam, body massage, body mask, herbal bath, body lotion, refreshing hot ginger drink.
Lunch Time (45 minutes)
Sari Ayu Facial (45 minutes)
* Sari Ayu
Featuring Martha Tilaar's famous brand "Sari Ayu" to cleanse and refresh your skin. Choice of roses exctract. Cananga or Lime to suit skin type.
* Sari Ayu - Acne
Rids skin of acne leaving it clean and smooth.
Pedicure (45 minutes)
Snack Time (15 minutes)
Hair Creambath (45 minutes)
Manicure (45 minutes)
Total Body Treatment Package (5 hours)
Aromatherapy Massage (75 minutes)
Sari Ayu Facial (90 minutes)
* Sari Ayu
Featuring Martha Tilaar's famous brand "Sari Ayu" to cleanse and refresh your skin. Choice of roses exctract. Cananga or Lime to suit skin type.
* Sari Ayu - Acne
Rids skin of acne leaving it clean and smooth.
Lunch / Dinner Time (45 minutes)
Hair Creambath (90 minutes)
Dewi Sri Spa Treatment (4 hours)
Dewi Sri Spa Treatment (150 minutes)
Featuring Martha Tilaar's renowned Dewi Sri Spa Aromatic Essence. Choose from a wide selection.
* Body Countour
A natural treatment containing essential oil of lemon, known to assist in combating cellulite and poor circulation. Consisting of Patchouli and Cananga oils, this treatment is particularly beneficial for marture skin, lightening and regenerating cells.
* Whitening
A gentle and natural blend of lemon and camphor oils leave skin clear and bright, and help to remove impurifies as well as damaged cells. Tones and lightens a dull complexion.
* Anti Stress
Relaxes body and soul with a hint of jasmine to calm the nerves and warm the emotions. Nutmeg and Neroll instill a sense of peace.
* Sensual
Nature's own aphrodisiac, with sensual scent of Roses and Sandalwood oils, used for centuries to relieve nervous tension soothe emotions, and lift the spirit. An ancient recipe for love believed to be amorously stimulating.
Process: hydropill, scrub, shower, steam, body massage, body mask, herbal bath, body lotion, refreshing hot ginger drink.
Snack Time (15 minutes)
Choice of : (90 minutes)
* Aromatherapy Facial or
* Traditional Hair Creambath
Beauty Package (4 hours)
Complete Body Treatment (150 minutes)
(Ken Dedes / Milk Bath / Fruit Bath / Flower Bath)
Snack Time (15 minutes)
Choice of : (90 minutes)
* Aromatherapy Facial or
* Traditional Hair Creambath
Relaxing Package (3.5 hours)
Simple Body Treatment (120 minutes)
(Massage, Steam, Scrub and Herbal Bath)
Snack Time (15 minutes)
Choice of : (90 minutes)
* Aromatherapy Facial or
* Traditional Hair Creambath
Refreshing Package (3 hours)
Aromatherapy Massage (75 minutes)
Snack Time (15 minutes)
Choice of : (90 minutes)
* Aromatherapy Facial or
* Traditional Hair Creambath
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